Had an early flight back home this morning… Went to bed at 2:30am and was at the Airport at 4:45am. Special thanks to Leigh Ramsdell for letting Todd and I stay at his place, and to Mike Corley for inviting us out. Semi business trip for QBP, meeting with our vendor and riding of course. We hung out at Eastern Bikes for two days, went street riding in Raleigh on night, and spent the last day in Greenville at Dave Mirra’s warehouse and Ryan Nyquist’s new warehouse “The Unit”. I learned double whips which I am totally psyched on, and I actually rotated front flips in the foam which I’m also psyched on! My new interactive BMX site InterBMX.com has been blowing up within these first 6 days… Over 600 profiles & averaging about 100 new profiles a day from all areas of the world including 47 states and 21 countries. I got the word out to North Carolina… Leigh Ramsdell and Ryan Nyquist even created a profile- We’ll see how the site keeps progressing over the next few weeks, but so far it’s been quite sucuessful! I have graduated from four years of college now, and I start a new full time salary position/promotion at Quality Bicycle Products in a few weeks. Programming. Making our lives easier.