Pumped to be invited back for a week with ASA this fall! Finished up the Soulstyce comp in LA around 10pm, flew out of LAX just after midnight, layover in Minneapolis, arrive in Kansas City around 9am, right into our first show of the week around 1pm. Slept all evening afterwards.. Rooming with Anthony Furlong this week, wild I remember watching him when I was young at Woodward years ago in the pro vert demos. BBQ, BBQ, BBQ’s good lord I’ve had them every day down here!! Jimmy Walker is also here this week, along with MN Chaska local 3 time X-Games medalist Trevor Meyer, and inline legend Eito Yasutoko from Japan also a 3 time X-Games medalist. We’re cruising around the city doing shows at various schools. Check out the short vid for a quick run down on what we do. Special thanks to Jimmy Coleman, Sara, Tyler, Armand, Rick, Kyle, etc, fun time of year !!!