The New iOS 8 Photo Search Feature may be the sickest feature of all

After you update to the new iOS eight on your iPhone or iPad, you need to check out the new photo search feature. If you are like me, and take thousands and thousands of photos, this is perfect for quickly finding photos from certain areas or times. It is often a pain to find old photos in your camera roll however it is slowly getting easier and easier, and this is going to make it the fastest yet.

Go into your photos and look for the small magnifying glass at the top of the on it and you can search for any photos, right away I searched the word Switzerland and quickly found all of my photos from overseas almost a year ago. I even did a search for a local area around our town and found all of the photos I have ever taken at that spot.

You will even see a button to click home as a search that will show you all of the photos you have ever taken at your home. I am assuming this is an option I set a long time ago in the settings of iOS that specified my home location.

So excited to find this, I can’t wait to see what else we can do with this moving forward, possibly searching for people and more.

By the way, I just posted this via Siri voice to text on the WordPress app.

Thanks again Apple, love you.


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