We arrived in Houston and went straight to Adrenaline Skatepark where they let us ride for free and stay after hours. My rear wheel blew up so I rode Eric’s brakeless bike and did some flairs on it for him. The next day we fixed my wheel at the OFP BMX Shop and then went to Bicycle World for an meet the pro’s autograph session. The we headed to our last riding stop for the trip at Dirtwood skatepark. It was quite a blast riding this park, lots of good footage and photos. Afterwards, we drove back to Dallas in a horrible rain storm and got to our hotel around 5am. It is about 30 degrees here and turning into quite an ice storm for Texas. All of our flights are canceled to Minneapolis so we are here another night. This weather ain’t got nothin’ on Minnesota. Finally after a few of our rescheduled flights were canceled, we got out of Texas and after a layover in Detroit, we made it back to Minneapolis.