what a week. sudden funeral in the family followed by messages saying i have the new cover shot of @bmxplusmag still dont believe all of this !! 3 invert #dreamcometrue on the cover of march 2013 issue congrats #lakehavasu hugeee thx ben@plus #loveyouall #shred4life #fictionbmx @stolenbikeco #bringbackdirt #bmxplus #bmx #magazine http://bmxplusmag.com/ photo@justinstone33
also got a two page sequence spread in @bmxplusmag march 2013 hop whip off two story stacked ocean containers into #lakehavasu #az’s dirt set. & rockin rad @nowearusa tank! thanks #bmxplus #lhcdirtchallenge #bmx #fictionbmx @stolenbikeco