Antartica… Not that far from here!
Not far at all from here… Anyone know someone who has done the trip to #Antarctica ?
Not far at all from here… Anyone know someone who has done the trip to #Antarctica ?
And now another session @under_park !! with Dustin Grace! The BMX scene in Chile is so friendly, very excited to be here muchas gracias #Repost @under_park HOY! 17:00 Hrs. directo desde USA tendremos una sesión gratis junto a @dustingrice gran personaje del #Bmx a nivel mundial. Tendremos premios para todos los niños gracias @mormaii_chile y … Read more
Just look at this place !! This is @cocozurita ‘s park @araucanopark in his hometown Santiago, Chile, we were just doing shows together for @asaactionsports incredible BMX scene here Coco, very friendly locals parents kids & overall great vibes
Tonight I fly to Chile !! So excited to join the session tomorrow & meet the local riders @araucanopark @vicenzoluque @cocozurita @victormunozbmx @ivankarrasfield @tomaas_figueroa @lilprostour @linkfoundation @inter.bmx @dreamparkbuilder #bmx #santiago #chile #bmxchile #ridetheworld